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University of Bergamo


Concept, Schematic, Final Design

University of Bergamo

Completion Date:

Sqm: 16’800, Beds : n. 255

The project is part of the larger urban redevelopment of the former “Guardia di Finanza” Academy to be converted into offices and learning spaces for the University of Bergamo.

Studio Altieri was assigned for the Schematic and Final design for the conversion of one of the three buildings of the complex (“C” Building).

The project provides for the renovation of “Palazzina C” into an hall of residence, with spaces for cultural, educational and leisure activities as well as all the support services for the guests, who can be both students and teachers.

With its 239 sigle rooms and 8 double rooms, all with indipendent bathrooms, the residence can host 255 students. Part of the rooms will also be fully accessible.

The facades have been entirely redesigned for energy requalification in addition to the interventions foreseen in the MEP design: the structural project aimed at static-seismic adaptation of the structures.

Studio Altieri, as the Lead Designer, was responsible for the Architectural Design and for the coordination between all the other design discipline (Structural, Fire Safety, MEP engineering).

Studio Altieri was also in charge for the building permitting process of the entire urban redevelopment project.

Studio Altieri S.p.A. - Company subject to the direction and control of Italconsult S.p.A.
Registered office: Via Colleoni, 56/58 - 36016, Thiene (VI), Italy
VAT Reg. and Tax Code no. 03100790249 - R.E.A. of Vicenza no. 298855 - Share Capital: € 8,400,000.00
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