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Studio Altieri S.p.A. is an Italian Architecture and Engineering Company established in 1898, leader in performing integrated services in the Healthcare, Hydraulic, Maritime and Environment sector.

Studio Altieri is an independent architecture and engineering company able to provide its own experience in the management and complete development of projects, mainly in the field of Hospital and Hidraulic/Maritime works, both at national and international level. Studio Altieri has performed over 10,000 projects, managing all the design phases, construction supervision, HSE Management activities, EIA and value engineering as well as Clients assistance in the whole project lifecycle.
The company has a modern approach both in the management of the design process - the Project Managers have formally been trained and evaluated by the PMI institute of Pennsylvania, US - and in the construction phase with the adoption of BIM technologies.

These abilities put the Company in an international position of great significance.

Years of activity
Projects delivered
Employees In Headquarter
Branches and offices worldwide

Hospital & Healthcare Experience

Studio Altieri boasts a great experience in the hospital and healthcare sector with over 150 hospitals designed in Italy and abroad.
Recently Studio Altieri has been awarded some of the major PPPs such as Etlik and Gaziantep Integrated Health Campus both in Turkey, new Al Amiri Hospital in Kuwait, the New Hospital of Mestre (Venice) and the Four Tuscany Hospitals in Italy.
In the hospital sector, Study Altieri boasts multiple capabilities and competences: the development of the space program, the room-by-room definition, the architectural, civil/structural, landscape design, interior and furniture design, MEP and utilities design, hydraulic and environmental engineering, traffic impact studies and logistics.

Hydraulics, Maritime Works and Environment

Studio Altieri is particularly appreciated for the high-level of specialization reached in the field of environmental protection, in the reclamation activities of polluted terrains and waters, secure activities, territorial planning, hydraulic engineering, maritime works. Notable experience has been achieved in the field of securing and reclamation of contaminated areas of national interest.
From over 30 years Study Altieri S.p.A. takes care of the activities of morphological and environmental recovery in the lagoon of Venice as designer for the new actions aimed at the safeguard of the city.
Studio Altieri also took care of experimental projects like the reclamation of Tresse Island that, following the collocation of sediments and the final environmental setup, has become the widest wetland in Europe (100 ha).
In the field of maritime works it is worthy to remind the project of Ro-Ro ship platform in Fusina, a new terminal for RO-RO ships over a covered area 90,000 m2.

Studio Altieri S.p.A. - Company subject to the direction and control of Italconsult S.p.A.
Registered office: Via Colleoni, 56/58 - 36016, Thiene (VI), Italy
VAT Reg. and Tax Code no. 03100790249 - R.E.A. of Vicenza no. 298855 - Share Capital: € 8,400,000.00
Certified email address: