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Al Jalila Children’s Specialty Hospital


Full Design
Construction Supervision and Commissioning (assistance)

Al Jalila

United Arab Emirates

Dubai Health Authority

Completion Date:

Sqm: 92.580, Beds : n. 200

Al Jalila is a dedicated 200 beds (organized in single rooms) Children Hospital with the highest International standards, affiliated to University Hospital Academic an d Research Center and the  Dubai Health Authority, in order to realize the best hospital in the Middle East region in providing excellent healthcare by well-qualified and competent professionals, in response to the children needing specialized care of UAE. 
The hospital will be child friendly and family oriented, a referral center for complicated cases, also specialized in handling trauma cases with multiple injuries that require pediatric intensive care. It will house a children’s cancer centre, cardiac, oncology, transplant and other specialties, as well as a teaching and research centre.

Studio Altieri S.p.A. - Company subject to the direction and control of Italconsult S.p.A.
Registered office: Via Colleoni, 56/58 - 36016, Thiene (VI), Italy
VAT Reg. and Tax Code no. 03100790249 - R.E.A. of Vicenza no. 298855 - Share Capital: € 8,400,000.00
Certified email address: