WWTP in Fusina – PPP Project
Final and Detailed Design
On-site Supervision
Design Phase Safety Plan
Fusina, Venice
Porto Marghera Servizi Ingegneria s.c.a.r.l
Completion Date:
Marghera is the industrial area of Venice and it is one of the most important industrial districts of Italy. It includes chemical and metallurgical activities, oil-refining and storage, shipbuilding, incineration and thermoelectrical power plants burning coal, gas and refuse derived fuel, hazardous waste incineration and other
The Integrated Fusina Project (PIF) is a sustainable project aiming at implementing a fully controlled recovery and management of polluted waters as well as the treatment of the water and sediment and final discharge to very sensitive environment such as the Venice lagoon. The project involves an intervention plan based on a new water management concept focusing on prevention and water-saving issues whereby water is repeatedly used in cascade in compliance with the required use standards. Finally the project represents an opportunity for a large-scale experimental trial of nonconventional water treatment technologies and advanced territorial and water strategies.
The PIF is a PPP project consisting in a set of interventions, included in the Master Plan 2000 of the Veneto Region, aimed at cleaning up the Venice Lagoon through the treatment of wastewater the flows coming from the Industrial areas of Marghera, Mestre, and Mirese at the sewage treatment plant of Fusina.
With the PIF, the existing wastewater treatment plant of Fusina was expanded and improved to treat civil and urban waste waters, industrial and rain waters from the industrial area of Porto Marghera, and polluted ground waters from environmental restoration projects being carried out at Porto Marghera.