New logistic platform within Trieste’s port hub
Construction Design
Appointed for Construction Supervision
Piattaforma logistica Trieste s.r.l.
Completion Date:
The new logistic platform in Trieste refers to a EPC include many activities that could be referred to five main topics:
- Environmental remediation of contaminated soils, groundwater and sediments;
- Deviation and burial of Baiamonti creek;
- A 500,000m³ confined disposal facility (CDF) for dredged sediments;
- Marine and port works consisting of a new port platform of more than 12 hectares, 431m quay for vessels of up to 13m draught, 4 rail tracks of more than 320m for full intermodal traffics;
- The set of plants for the management of the platform: electrical substation, lighting, storm water collection and treatment, weigh station, offices and gate control, fire system, basin for dangerous spills.
The whole construction procedure is expected to last 30 months. The following is a list of the works to be executed within the first phase as per chronological order:
- investigation and removal of possible explosive devices left from the world war;
- analytical characterization of soils, concrete structures to be demolished and seabed that needs to be dredged;
- remediation of an “hot spot” of around 10000m³ contaminated sediment and digging and dumping around 24800 m³ polluted soils.