Interconnection between the water supply systems of Rovereto and Trento
Final Design
Detailed Design
A.S.M. - Azienda Servizi Municipalizzati – Rovereto
Completion Date:
The interconnection project concerns the connection of 13 aqueducts of the Adige valley between Trento and Rovereto, which all become a single system of high reliability and lower costs of production and supply than the existing condition.
The project aims to link two existing systems to be capable of mutual help in case of need and to allow in the future, an unified and optimized aqueduct service for all the served municipalities.
The final system is designed to serve 166,000 inhabitants with a 29.5 million m3/year supply (935 l/s) and multiple sources (wells and tanks).
In the system it is also provided a recovery system (booster system) that can work in two opposite directions.
The project will include the construction of two new reservoirs in Nogaredo (3000 m3) and Madonna Bianca-Casteller (5000 m3).
The operation of the water system has been simulated with a mathematical model that allowed to calibrate in detail and optimize all interventions.