Environmental Restoration and enhancement of Regi Lagni river Project - Revamping of North Naples WWTP
Final Design
Design Phase Safety Plan
Consorzio Stabile CONSAM S.c.r.l.
(final client: Ministry of infratructure and transportation – Regione Campania)
Consorzio Stabile CONSAM S.c.r.l.
(final client: Ministry of infratructure and transportation – Regione Campania)
Completion Date:
The project of revamping of the Naples WWTP is part of the main project named “Grande Progetto di Risanamento ambientale e valorizzazione dell’area Regi Lagni” (Environmental Restoration and enhancement of Regi Lagni area Project).
The mail aims of the project are: to improve the efficiency of the treatment process and of the effluent water quality, to reduce the energetic demand, to reduce the disposed surplus sludge, to increase the reliability of the system, and to reduce the operating costs.
The project includes:
- A general extraordinary maintenance of the existing equipment and buildings;
- The introduction of a fine screening system on the rain water weir;
- The revamping of the biological treatment by the introduction of the on/off aeration mode control system and the replacement of the existing equipment with new more efficient mixing system and air distribution system (air-diffusers and air-blowers);
- The revamping of the tertiary treatment with the introduction of disc-filters units and UV-disinfection;
- The revamping of the existing sludge treatment line, by the introduction of the ultrasonic sludge disintegrator, the replacement of the existing equipment of the anaerobic digesters with new more efficient mixing system and sludge heating system, the introduction of a sludge drying system;
- The review and upgrade of the biogas treatment and the energy recovery system from biogas;
- The realization of a remote heating circuit for the anaerobic digestion and the drying system;
- The introduction of an exhaust air treatment.