Enhancement and functional upgrading of the Waste Water treatment Plant in San Bonifacio and completion of the sewerage system
Topographical Survey,
Preliminary, Final and Detailed Design
Safety Plan during Design Phase
Construction Supervision
Soave, San Bonifacio e Monteforte d’Alpone
Acque Veronesi S.c.a.r.l
Completion Date:
The waste water treatment plant of San Bonifacio treats the civil and industrial waste waters coming from 10 neighbouring municipalities for a total amount of 60,000 equivalent inhabitants. Industrial waste waters are mainly coming from the vinery area of Soave, San Bonifacio e Monteforte d’Alpone and are therefore carachterized by occasional and seasonal discharges with low flow rates and high values of COD.
The project foresaw:
- the decommissioning of the local treatment facilities (mostly small septic tanks and activated sludge plants for 2000AE);
- the construction of a new sewer system (10 km of under pressure and 50km of gravity pipes);
- the expansion and enhancement of the capacity and efficiency of the existing the WWTP of San Bonifacio to reach a treatment capacity of more than 60,000 EI (corresponding to a daily volume of 15,000 cubic meters of wastewater).