Confined disposal facility “Molo Sali”
Concept Design
Detailed Project Design
Construction Design
Construction Supervision
Porto Marghera
Porto Marghera Servizi Ingegneria scarl
Completion Date:
The “Molo Sali” is located along the western bank of the North Industrial Canal in a central position with respect to the dredging interventions of the northern canal in Porto Marghera - Venezia. The project foresees the construction in the “Molo Sali” area of a filling basin to stock the wastewater sediments coming from the dredging activities of the industrial area canals. The filling basin is accomplished with a belt of waterproof deep sheet piling on sea side, driven into the clay layer located 15 meters below sea level.
The CDF has a capacity of 750,000 cubic meters; it is referred to non dangerous dredged sediments.
The intervention provides specifically:
- Completion of steel sheet piling along the sea side;
- Steel sheet piling of land side perimeter and connetion to previous;
- 5 basins to temporarly store and control dredged sediments;
- Settlement and treatment of contaminated waters
- Connection to the Fusina WWTP.
The intervention is included in the “Program for the dredging management of great navigation canals and the environmental, landscape, water and road network redevelopment of the area of Venice - Malcontenta - Marghera”, signed on 31st March 2008.